Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Kids and Nutrition

I have observed children lately (a little more interested now that I have my own) who will not eat any vegetables....I don't believe this. Proper nutrition starts with the parents at the dinner table.  Many of you may not know how to eat healthy especially in a fast food Nation. Sometimes I wonder how we dont know this but if we have never studied or been interested in it then its hard to have that knowledge.

Here are some helpful tips to help your child eat healthy
1-You as the parent are the example to this young individual if you dont eat it why would they? We have to start them out right.
2-Have a sit down meal at least once a day if not more this will take longer to prepare but usually is healthier and establishes a routine for healthy eating instead of eating on the go.
3-Always feed your child breakfast to start their day out right...not sugar cereal. Something like scrambled eggs, wheat toast , berries and 100% juice. This will give their little bodies energy to run and jump all day long.
4-Limit the amounts of "treats" you allow your child to consume. After all it is a "treat" and should only be given as one not as a meal. You are doing your child a dis-service by allowing them to eat sweets all day long. I know from personal experience when you eliminate most sweets you feel more energetic.
5-Add vegetables whenever possible-if your making a spaghetti sauce add shredded carrots and zucchini. When making a morning smoothie add spinach and celery along with all the berries and yogurt...they wont even know.Be creative and give it a try.
6-Cook healthy meals-Do some research and find fun yummy recipes to try. Its so fun to taste new dishes and there are sooo many healthy great tasting recipes. You as the parent have to feed your child so why not feed them healthy stuff.

*Sometimes eating healthy can be overwhelming just like life but start simple and small. Change a few things in your life and continue to move forward everyday becoming more and more healthy!!! Stat now before your young one develops bad eating habits, it is way harder being an adult and trying to change the bad eating we all know!
Happy Healthy Eating!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This makes me REALLY, REALLY mad. What happened to her little boy was a tragic accident, not a parenting flaw. Until her story I would have never thought to childproof a washing machine. Thank you Tiffany for sharing your story to help me be aware of the rare and odd dangers. Shame on you payitforward. In my opinion you owe her an apology.

    2. Thanks Ash for getting my back. I just now, 9 months later saw this post. Glad I didnt see it earlier. I would have been hurt. Now im stronger!

  2. Payitfwd, why would you write something so cruel? You must be a pretty miserable person to judge someone who just lost their child. Maybe you could feel a little compassion for her, especially when she didn't know it was a danger!

  3. Pay it fwd. What an ironic screen name for such an ignorant comment.

    "Judging ourselves before others will usually make us realize that they are saints."

  4. payitfwd,
    wow you really know how to pay it forward. so sad. thanks for your nice advice. i hope you aren't damned for your judgments on others.
