Friday, March 1, 2013


There have been many requests of recipes for quinoa-(ki*nwa). I use it as a side dish or a main course. You can have fun with this. So many variations of quinoa. If I want to keep it simple, I add fresh cilantro, a dollop of butter, salt and pepper. I love the taste of quinoa with out anything added. Its so delicious.

Read about the health benefits of Quinoa here.

Here are some delicious recipes I have found.

Green Kitchen Stories


Closet Cooking

Gluten Free Goodness


  1. Thanks! My husband just bought some. We need recipes!!

  2. YAY....I have Quinoa sitting in my pantry but I cooked it once like rice with butter & salt, but didn't like it, I think I over cooked it (mushy). so now I'm going to try some of these recipes. thanks!

  3. I just bought a big bag from Costco. Thanks for sharing your favorite recipes. Now I just have to decide which one to make first.
